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Hair fall solution

Hair fall solution

Hair fall is one of the common problems worldwide. All over the world, 70% male and 50% female suffer hair loss issues in different degrees by the age 50.what is hair fall solution? Let's understand why we lose hair first.
Hair fall issues can be caused by hormonal changes like dihydrotestosterone in male or other hormonal changes in females, bad genes, stress, nutritional deficiency, vitamin deficiency, change in the external environment, disease like thyroid, pcod, anemia, and many more. Actually, hair loss occurs whenever our body goes in stress. This stress could be physical or mental. People observe increase hair loss during mental trauma or stress or dengue, malaria or viral fever type condition.
So the basic solution of hair loss is to remove these factors.
If it is due to iron deficiency remove that factor
If it is due to any disease, treat it
If it is due to stress start yoga, watch inspirational movies, videos, book, be mentally strong and learn to fight with the situation.
So be your own doctor, understand the situation and make certain changes in lifestyle. Hair fall will reduce definitely.


If by changing lifestyle hair loss is not reducing then consult any specialist for medicine or procedure or transplant

Medicines – like minoxidil and finasteride and multivitamin is very effective for hair loss and considered quick and effective hair loss solution. The only negative point with these medicines is long time use. Till the time patient use these medicines, they are effective, once you stop the medicines, hair loss resume.

Procedures- like platelet-rich plasma, derma roller and lasers are also effective.
Platelet-rich plasma is a very effective procedure without any side effects.

Transplant – is the last resort for hair loss. If hair loss has gone to the extent of baldness, hair transplant is a permanent and most effective hair loss solution.
Also, some practice like using a wooden comb, mild shampoo, not to heat hair also helps in reducing hair loss.


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