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Since childhood, we use shampoo every day.

But do you know which is the most suitable shampoo for you? for how long we should keep it on scalp and hair after application and what is the right amount? in this video, we will discuss how to use shampoo and how to choose shampoo. let's start with what is shampoo and what is its function? the shampoo is a hair care product which is available in thick liquid form. The shampoo is used for cleaning of accumulated and applied product on hair and scalp. some products automatically appear on the scalp like dirt, pollutants, naturally secreted oil, dandruff etc, while some products are applied by us like hair oil, wax, liquid paraffin, leave-on conditioner, leave on serum etc. the only function of shampoo is to wash them away from hair and scalp. now you must be thinking about recently purchased anti-hair fall shampoo.

Does shampoo really stop hair loss?
No. this happens only in a television commercial, so far there is no potent molecule is researched that can be used in shampoo to stop hair loss. so now you understand that only function of shampoo is to clean the scalp and hair.

Now how to choose shampoo? 

Choose a shampoo based on your scalp condition and choose conditioner based on your hair condition. let's understand in detail, suppose you have a dry scalp then use hydrating shampoo if you have dandruff on your scalp then use anti-dandruff shampoo and if your scalp is oily then use clear shampoo. many females on Instagram ask me best shampoo for the split end, the split end is a condition of hair, not scalp so sorry to say but no shampoo will work in this condition. now u understood that always choose a shampoo based on scalp condition.

The formula is minimum time minimum amount. what is minimum time - this means apply shampoo only for time to act on for normal hair only for 20 to 30 seconds, but if you are using anti-dandruff shampoo then you may need to apply it for certain prescribed time, not more than than. every antidandruff shampoo bottle has printed prescribed time. wash the shampoo after the prescribed time, else it may damage your hair and make it dry.
the second part of formula 2 is the minimum amount. minimum amount means male should use an amount equal to 25 paise coin while a female should use shampoo volume equal to 1 rupee coin. if your hair volume is more than you may need to change the volume accordingly. after applying the shampoo massage it all over the scalp in a slow circular motion so that they reach to microbes, dirt, pollutants and oil and wash them out. while applying shampoo on hair, do not rub it vigorously, just spread it lightly, the shampoo will do its work automatically. now it's time to wash. wash the shampoo with sufficient water so that no residue of shampoo left on scalp and hair. this was all about shampoo selection and use. now let's take some questions. does shampoo expire? yes … every shampoo comes with an expiry date, which is mentioned on the bottle. sometimes we miss expiry date, in such condition see the change in colour, smell or consistency, if anything changed then do not use it, it may damage your hair.

Do we need to change shampoo regularly?

Here is the third formula if a situation is changing then only change the shampoo, otherwise continue the same shampoo. what is the meaning of changing situation, let me explain, say now you have dandruff so add anti-dandruff shampoo. suppose you were in Delhi which is dry but now you came to Mumbai which is moist, so you may need to change the shampoo. if you have some good shampoo then do not change it just for the sake of changing, unless situation forces you to do so. some people think that same shampoo is not effective on the same hair after some time, no shampoo is effective, but place and circumstances might have changed. concept clear right.


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