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Since childhood, we use shampoo every day. But do you know which is the most suitable shampoo for you? for how long we should keep it on scalp and hair after application and what is the right amount? in this video, we will discuss how to use shampoo and how to choose shampoo. let's start with what is shampoo and what is its function? the shampoo is a hair care product which is available in thick liquid form. The shampoo is used for cleaning of accumulated and applied product on hair and scalp. some products automatically appear on the scalp like dirt, pollutants, naturally secreted oil, dandruff etc, while some products are applied by us like hair oil, wax, liquid paraffin, leave-on conditioner, leave on serum etc. the only function of shampoo is to wash them away from hair and scalp. now you must be thinking about recently purchased anti-hair fall shampoo. Does shampoo really stop hair loss? No. this happens only in a television commercial, so far there is no potent mo
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How to differentiate between good hair transplant clinic and bad hair transplant clinic?  Consultation Is very important and the first part of hair transplant where an evaluation of baldness, evaluation of donor area and diagnosis of any pathological condition is done. Consultation should be done by the doctor only. Trichoscan Trichoscan is another important aspect of the procedure, which is required to evaluate the donor area quality. Coverage value A certain number of graft will cover how much area, this depends on the coverage value of hair. Blood test A blood test is a must before hair transplant. this speaks about the health of a patient. a blood test in time can save lots of efforts of a patient as well as doctors. Medical history and history taking Medical history taking is an art in hair transplant. medical history can speak volume about causes of hair loss in patients. Then working upon those facts, patients result, hair transplant hair


Hair is always a neglected organ. body neglect hair because it has no defined function, while the medical and scientific community  consider hair issues inferior to lethal diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc. after observing the demand g to bring hair treatment that can completely change the face of baldness.  Eve launch, that can finish the fear of baldness more mediocre thinking, now it's time to think deeply and think better.  we are going of hair treatment in the last 2 decades, many new companies are now pushing millions of dollars, and trying to speak about many futuristic medicine and procedures which can completely cure baldness, Hair not in a year or two but definitely by the year 2023.  Everywhere in the world, people feel cheated and betrayed by hair treatment, because except good transplant nothing is permanent. now no need to feel morose because some really genuine hair treatment is ready toInvitro means any process which is performe

Hair growth oil

Whenever we start losing hair first treatment that came to our mind is hair oil. We call it hair oil in India while in the western world the same oil is known as serum. The person with seborrheic dermatitis should avoid oiling. How to choose hair oil Natural and pure   Always try to find a natural and pure hair oil without any addition of preservatives or perfumes or thinner like liquid paraffin etc. Organic   If hair oil is organic its better Cold press The oil extraction process should be cold-pressed any process may destroy oil property if processed in the wrong way. How to apply Best practice for hair oil application is overnight and leave it for 6 or 7 or 8 hours. Why? Generally, pure hair oil is sticky and has a natural smell which is not always pleasant. Or you can apply for a few hours during the day if you are at home. Don't massage if the hair is thin. Why? Indians have a natural tendency to do massage after oiling, which is not always g

PRP Hair treatment

There are many hair treatments available starting from simple oiling to transplant. What is PRP hair treatment? Is PRP hair treatment works? Is PRP hair treatment effective? If PRP hair treatment is effective then is it permanent? PRP or platelet-rich plasma is a treatment that can be used for hair loss and hair regrowth. PRP is suitable for male as well as female and PRP hair treatment can be done at any age. It helps in reducing, hair fall and thickening of miniaturized hair. It does not grow new hair. But PRP IS a very good treatment without any side effect for the thickening of thin hair and managing existing hair. PRP can be taken every month or every 3rd or 4th month depends on the amount of blood used, 60 ml blood use is considered as standard. PRP has no side effects because it's done with our own blood and its not surgical. PRP is done by injecting it in the balding scalp area. The improvement is shown within 4 months.PRP helps in hair fall , hair loss, hair thinnin

PRP Hair loss

In today’s time, every person is suffering from hair loss whether it's male or female. Do we have any hair loss treatment that is effective, non-invasive and without any side effects? Yes, PRP or platelet-rich plasma is answer. PRP hair loss treatment is done by patients own blood. It is effective in male as well as female baldness. Hair loss may occur due to hormonal changes, genetics, lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiency and due to many diseases like anemia, thyroid, etc. Any kind of hair loss can be stopped using PRP treatment, PRP is known as Platelets Rich Plasma. Which is prepared After centrifugation of patients whole blood, PRP is injected into the scalp balding area.PRP helps in hair loss by generating new blood vessels and new cells in the hair root with the help of growth factors. Its a quick and easy treatment. The procedure can be used every year to prevent hair loss. PRP hair loss treatment at Adon clinic is done by a very high stand

Hair Transplant

In the modern world, hair transplant is a boon for the balding condition. Till today(April 2019) and in the near future, only hair transplant can bring hair on the completely bald area. Hair transplant can completely change a person's life. From depressing to happy, from less confidence to confident life, from poor perception to seeing yourself in richness. Hair transplant also helps in creating a better relationship. So what is hair transplant? In simple words, hair transplant can be explained as redistribution of hair from a donor area and implantation on the balding area. The donor area is any area that has good quality hair like the back of the head, sides of the head, beard, chest, armpit and other parts of the body. Since the inception of the concept of hair transplant, hair transplant has improved from fut to a robotic hair transplant. The most common hair transplant technique in India in 2019 is fue or follicular unit extraction. Hair transplant has different techni